Complaints Policy

Click to view our full complaints policy and proforma for making a complaint.

Complaints procedure

We try to give the best service possible to every patient who attends our practice.

However, we are aware that things can go wrong. If you are having a problem, you might first wish to consider giving us the opportunity to put things right for you as quickly and as amicably as possible  - often this is best done soon after the problem arises and with the person(s) concerned.

If your experience of our services makes you want to pursue a formal complaint, the best way is to put this in writing to the practice manager and clearly mark it as a complaint. Some patients wish to share suggestions for improvement or a negative experience with us without making a formal complaint, so for patients who wish to make a formal complaint it is important to tell us specifically that you want to complain, so that your complaint can enter our formal complaints process. 

Letters of complaint can be typed or handwritten into a letter, or you can use our complaints proforma which you can obtain from reception or download above.

Please include:

You can also make a complaint by arranging an appointment about this with the practice manager.

Please remember that our complaints procedure is only for services provided by us at Leith Surgery and not for services provided by staff in other parts of the health and care system - you need to complain by contacting them directly.