Terms of Use

Terms of Use

1. Definitions

2. About these terms

This website is owned by Leith Surgery and these terms apply to any use made of this website. These terms form the entirety of the agreement between Leith Surgery and any user of the website. These terms may be updated from time to time by Leith Surgery without prior notice or notification by way of updating the text on this page. Our privacy policy is a separate document.

3. Legal jurisdiction

Provision and use of this website are under the jurisdiction of the applicable laws of the United Kingdom, and specifically the laws of Scotland. The terms and policies listed on this website apply only to the maximum extent permitted by law. No part of these terms is intended to attempt to undermine the rights or responsibilities of any individual or entity under the applicable laws. Where any part of the terms and policies listed on this website are superseded by any applicable law or legal ruling within the United Kingdom, the remaining terms continue to be in force to the maximum extent permitted by law. The parties to any legal matter or dispute arising from use or provision of this website submit to the jurisdiction of the Scottish courts.

4. Limitation of liability

This website is provided without warranty and Leith Surgery disclaims all liability so far as is permitted by law. Leith Surgery will not be held liable for any material or non-material losses arising, directly or indirectly, from use of this website, to the fullest extent permitted by law, and even in the event that notification of damages is received. While efforts are made to ensure that the material on this website is accurate and that the information provided is correct, no guarantee is made regarding the accuracy of the data. The website owners and contributors cannot be held liable for for any harm caused by action taken by an individual or entity as a result of their use of this website. No information on parts of the website other than these terms should be taken to imply a contract. 

5. Indemnity

The user warrants to Leith Surgery that it will only use this website for lawful purposes which do not harm the interests of any individual or entity. The user agrees to indemnify Leith Surgery and its agents harmless in respect of any claim against the user arising from its use of this website.

6. Use of this website

7. Privacy and data protection

The way in which we use personal information is defined in our privacy policy which applies to personal information which is submitted to us via this website and to personal information which we receive in the course of our operations.

8. Data processing

When you use this website to submit your information, including your personal information and health information, you consent to your information being stored and used by other companies for the purpose of data processing; that is to say, we do not own some of the systems used to process your information. We only use data processing services which we believe have adequate safeguards in place to protect your data. The data processors who we use may employ sub-processors to facilitate their services. 

You are under no obligation to input your personal information into this website in order to provide it to us. If you do decide to use this website to submit your personal information, you must accept that that there is some risk in doing so. While this website uses transport encryption protocols in areas where personal information is likely to be transmitted, the security of these protocols cannot be guaranteed. When data including personal information is stored on computers or servers, robust security measures are in place to safeguard the information, but users should note that historically some internet-facing systems which had extensive security protocols in place have been subject to serious data breaches, and there is usually no right to compensation for material or non-material losses relating to data breaches when the relevant companies or organisations have not broken the applicable data protection laws in their jurisdiction. Any loss sustained by an individual or organisation resulting from their data being transmitted using this website will be borne exclusively by that individual or organisation.

9. Linking to this website

It is permitted for other websites and publications to list the URL of the home page of this website (www.leith.surgery) by way of text or HTML link for the purpose of helping individuals in the target audience to locate this website. It is not permitted for any part of this website to be embedded or published within another website or application, for example by way of an inline frame or by image hotlinking. It is not permitted to link to, or reference the URL of, any individual element of this website other than the home page. It is prohibited to copy any of the material for storage.

10. Links to third party websites

This website includes links to other websites. These links are provided for the purposes of information and convenience. We are not responsible for the content of other websites nor for any harm resulting from use of other websites.

11. Copyright

Copyright for this website is owned by Leith Surgery. Copyright in some of the material is owned by other entities including our service providers and content suppliers. It is prohibited to replicate, modify, store or republish the material without the express prior written permission of Leith Surgery. Notwithstanding the provisions of prohibition, a specific permitted use is the provision of text parts of this website to a translation service for use by a private individual in the target audience requiring the information in a language other than English; that translation service must not use the information for any purpose other than those directly and reasonably required in order to provide a translation service to the individual making the request.

12. Our publication of third party trademarks

This material on this website includes graphics which belong to third party entities, such as the logos for other services, companies and websites. These graphics are trademarks or copyright of the third parties and are published on this website with permission.

13. Cookies

Our website providers may store cookies on your device for the purposes of functionality, security, advertising, tracking, analytics and personalisation.

14. Force majeure

Leith Surgery cannot be deemed liable for failure to meet our obligations when there are circumstances which are not under our control.