
You can book an appointment by

The usual way to consult us about routine health matters is by face-to-face appointment booked in advance

For any GP appointment or any kind of follow-up appointment, it is usually best to book in with the clinician you normally see. The receptionist can advise on which clinician to book in with.

Please let us know the reason for the appointment when you book.

If you are registered for Patient Services, you can make a routine appointment online.

If you have a language requirement (you don't speak fluent English), please tell the receptionist what language. 

Is it an emergency or an urgent problem? See the Emergencies page.

Who should you book an appointment with? See the Our Services page or ask reception.

Is what you need normally delivered by another part of the healthcare system? If it's on the Local Health Services page you can contact the correct team directly. Our Patient Care Advisors at reception are happy to point you in the right direction.